Thursday, January 19, 2006

Exercise Log 1/19/06

Gym at work Walked on treadmill 20 min. had to bump the speed up to 4.o and incline to 1.5. My heart rate was in the low 100's. Ellipitical for 4 minutes. Feeling better doing it. Chest Flys 10lbs dumbbells 3 sets 12reps bicep curls 10 lbs dumbebells 3 sets 12 reps I also did my ab work out on an incline bench. I actually like laying upside down at times. Rec Plex Walked on the treadmill for 15 minutes had to bump the speed to 3.9 lbs. Ellipitical 3 minutes, that was a struggle. I had a different type of machine so I definitely felt it in my legs. I did my full arm workout. I also worked on my crunches. I feel my tummy getting stronger.