Monday, October 30, 2006

Pictures, Pictures and More Pictures!

Here is the completed Linen Stitch Scarf. It's laid out in all of it's glory. Here's a closer view to the left. It really does look like a piece of linen.
Next, comes my knitting library. I had finally cleaned up part of my bedroom and gathered all of my knitting books and put them in one place so they will be easier to find. And yes, that is two crochet books that you see on the shelf also. After I had taken this picture I did find my Fix It book. My Style Book did not make the photo shoot because it is actually be used for my Midwest Moonlight Scarf. That is on the needles and is on hiatus. Wrap Style is missing also. I wonder where that book is hiding.

Here is my Frog Tree Scarf in progress. You can see the stitch markers. I honestly believe that these stitch markers have made the world of difference in my progress. I am amazed at how much I have gotten done. I am liking this pattern better and better. I am anxious to see it completed and blocked in all of its glory.

Here is some yummy sock yarn that I have recently purchased. There are two skeins of Austerman's Step, one of Trekking XXL and one of Opal. One of these skeins will become a pair of toe-up socks. Friday is the first of four classes to learn how to knit. I am so excited about finally learning how to knit a pair of socks.
Here is some lovely Malabrigo in the Amoroso colorway. This lovely skein is going to become a cowl from the book Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I originally saw this knitted up at Fiddlesticks. Mindy had used a different yarn. She also had demonstrated how to wear it. I am thinking of knitting this up for me.
Last but not least, here are six skeins of Malabrigo in the Saphire Magenta colorway. These six gorgeous skeins are going to become The Lady Eleanor. I have signed up for a second class at Fiddlesticks to learn how to knit up The Lady Eleanor. I am excited about this class also.
Well enough yarn porn for now. Time for a shower and then it's knitting time! Have to make some progress on that Frog Tree Scarf. I also need to look for another scarf. This time I am going to look for a scarf that is going to knit up very quickly.
Time to Knit!

Sunday, October 29, 2006


I went yesterday afternoon to go pick up the Malabrigo that I had bought at the open house at Fiddlesticks on Monday night. I had left the three skeins of Malabrigo in a Saphire Magenta colorway along with a skein of turquoise Cascade 220 to be wound into a pancake. I also brought my knitting project with, the scarf that I am doing in Frog Tree. Mindy's aunt was visiting so she didn't have time to help me out. She has asked me if I would leave it there but I really wasn't prepared to do that. I wanted to keep on knitting. So we talked about it and I had two options, I could tink or just frog it and reuse the yarn. She also suggested that I use stitch markers in between the pattern repeats. So....I frogged it. I ended up cutting it at a certain point and I casted on and started knitting. This time I am placing a stitch marker after each pattern repeat. I am happy to say that I am definitely making progress. I am further along than any other previous attempt. I am also very happy with the way that it is looking. Now, my thoughts are how long is it going to take me to get it knitted up. The stitch markers seemed to have helped with my extra yarn overs and togethers. I was probably getting mixed up in the pattern. I am so excited, Thursday is my first knitting class that I am taking at Fiddlesticks. I am going to learn how to knit Toe-Up socks. It will also be the first socks that I will make. Now, I have to decide which of my yummy sock yarn I want to use. I also need to get some double pointed needles. I figure that I am going to get them on Friday when I go for my class. I do have a question though, I just got done watching a commerical with all these sheep. Half the train car contained white sheep, the other half black. The black sheep are running through town and you see them amongst Harleys. Ok, here's the question, what does that have to do with Harley Davidson? The whole time I was watching the commercial all I could think about was sheep=wool=yarn. I need to post a few pictures...they are coming. Time to go knit.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Linen Stitch Scarf

I forgot to mention that I finished this scarf. I took the photos to which I'll post later. I still have one tail to bury then it needs to be blocked and wrapped for Christmas. On to the last scarf which has been kicking my a**. I also need to find a pattern for a fourth scarf. Question? Do I find the pattern for the fourth scarf and put this one on the back burner? I am determined to knit this scarf from Frog Tree. Is this yarn trying to tell me that it does not want to become this scarf?

Another Catch Up Time

It's been awhile since I've last posted (shame on me). A lot has happened. I'm still trying to figure the pattern for the scarf that I am making using Frog Tree yarn. I seem to either forget a yarn over or add one where none is I end up with either too many stitches or not enough stitches on my needle. When this would happen I would just cut the yarn and start all over. Now, I have another situation, I have 57 stitches on my do I cut the yarn? rip it all back and salvage the yarn as much as I can? or patiently unknit? I am leaning towards frogging the whole thing. This is supposed to be a Christmas present...well it's looking like I may not have it done in time. I also found out that I am getting another meeting with another receptionist. That means that I am going to have to make another scarf. My thoughts are maybe to do a cowl instead, might be faster to knit up. Monday, I should be getting my car back. I did not have a good week at all last week. I ended up getting in a car accident. I'm fine but my car ended up with the booboos, front and rear. I didn't think I had damaged the front but obviously I did. I guess when the car behind me hit me she pushed me into the car in front of me. That car did not stay. So, I figure one of a couple of things 1.) They have no insurance. 2) They have no driver's license 3.) In the country illegally or 4) They didn't think that I hit them hard enough. Well time to get knitting.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Well I've been MIA for awhile. Life's been busy. I'm now working I guess you could say 3 jobs. My Weight Watchers which I am going to be doing 5 meetings on 5 days next week. And I am working 4 hours at my old job and 4 hours at my new job. Yes, I got the job that I had interviewed for. Rumour has it that I am going to be full days at my new job on Oct 30th. I can't wait. I finally got the rhythm of the Midwest Moonlight Scarf. That is on hiatus right now. I am not going to give it to the person that I originally had planned. The scarf is going to end up costing me over $30 in yarn so I am going to find another victim for if I get it done in time. I started another scarf using a pattern called "Linen Stitch Scarves" by Barbara Selesnick. It is a self-striping yarn. I can't remember the name of the company but I will post it along with a picture when it is finished. There is one mistake in it so far and I am continuing on. I am going to see how long the scarf is using one skein of this yarn. I am hoping to get to five feet, but whatever the length is when I run out of yarn is when I am going to call it quits and start the third scarf. Things are looking good to get the three scarves completed in time for Christmas. I have been on a book frenzy lately. I'll have to post the books that I have recently acquired and talk about some of my plans for the books and the dreams that I am having for them.