Sunday, February 11, 2007


Well I reached my knitting goal for this weekend. I have the first sleeve of the sweater done! I have casted on for the second sleeve and am in the process of knitting that. I still have all my ends to bury but I'm a happy camper. One sleeve down and one to go. Funny thing has been happening lately while I'm knitting. I am finding myself wanting to doze off. I guess that can happen with boreing stockinette stitch. Well I'm off to go work on that second sleeve some more. My goal is to have it finished by the end of the week. Happy Birthday to me! More later on that! anaisdoingthesnoopydancethesweaterwillbedonesometimeinfebruary

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Hope it's a great one! Us February birthday gals have to stick together...